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OS/2 GURU Jam Session RESULTS [1/3]

2014-08-04 19:15:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

The conference is succesful if the organizers accumulate enough materials in advance (interviews, videos and reviews).

Check the results:

Contunue discussion of important topics:

  • Do you have troubles with brightness change on your laptop? ACPI ticket
  • What application / utility do you miss?
  • Do you have Thinkpad with touchscreen? T400s, T410s, Twist, T420s, etc What is USB ID of the touchscreen?

Mistakes of OS/2 GURU 2014/07:

  • Two or more people should work on the program of the conference.
  • Two or more people should moderate the conference.


OS/2 Guru Jam Session

2014-06-28 15:55:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We are going organize Online conference "OS/2 Guru Jam Session (2014/july)".

The users, developers and businessmen can join the conference via Internet (July 25 / friday and July 26 / Saturday, 24 hours/day).

All materials collected during the conference will be published at the site and available for further discussion.

Your participation:

  • You can make the presentation via Skype. What is the topic of your report?
  • We can publish (and promote) your application review or message to the community

Post your contact information via web-form

Warpstock 2014 Registration is Now Open (almost)

2014-04-18 22:49:17 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eComStation Yahoo groups, Andy Willis]

Warpstock is the annual conference for eComStation and OS/2 users. Warpstock 2014 will be held at the Drury Inn St. Louis Airport, in St. Louis, Missouri, October 24 - 26, 2014. Warpstock 2014 presenters are preparing a number of new sessions to help you get the most out of eComStation and OS/2, including interoperability topics and frequently-discussed issues.

Hotel reservations may be made, but event registrations are just a couple of days away from going live. Please don't let that deter you from reserving your accommodations now! Watch the event pages for updates and topics on this year's agenda.

Warpstock Corporation is a Virginia corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at the Warpstock web site: http://www.warpstock.org

eComStation: winter goes to the end

2014-01-31 01:52:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some news from internet:

BMT Micro company sponsored several thousand dollars to Wikipedia (Benefactors) (BMT Micro - one of eComStation software resellers and software developers)


Multimac - chipsets requiring support


IBM corporation was selling solutions with OS/2 embedded: OS/2 and Embedded


Buy eComStation PC in California, USA,
You can also but laptop with eComStation pre-installed in St.Petersburg, Russia.


Do you know how to install IBM DB2 7.x to eComStation 2.x? (and fix traps, crashes) Let's collect tricks and tips here: DevCon bits


This course offers hands-on labs and lectures focused on providing skills required to support and perform operational services (installation, configuration, management, usage, and problem determination) using OS/2 Warp Server for e-business.
IBM OS/2 Courseware
-> OS/2 Warp Server for e-business


Picture: IBM OS/2 Trade Show badge (1990)

Alaram! Node OS/2 sites are not working

2014-01-26 20:52:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ec]

Several important OS/2 web-sites are still not available

The developers can't post news => the users don't receive notifications about updates software => no sellings of software => the developers don't update software

Previous message: 2013/11

History of eComStation and OS/2

2014-01-22 02:09:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Share your memoirs with young users,

  • PLAYER: what is the history of video player for eCS / OS/2?
  • GAMES: What is the history of games (90-th)? draft is here
  • INNOVATION: what are the innovations of OS/2? Innovations of OS/2
  • FUTURE: Continue logical sentences: eComStation .. if .. then .. else .. of-then-else

Fantasy History at Ars Technica

2013-11-29 02:42:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Michal Necasek commented an article related to OS/2 which was published at Ars Technica site: http://www.os2museum.com/wp/?p=2144

The initial article and the response collected dosenz of comments.

What is the agenda for eComStation today?

2013-11-16 00:32:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

1) How to open-source the system? or

2) What applications to develop to attract new users, extend the market?

3) How to settle eComStation to virtual machine?

4) How to break the barriers (UEFI, ..)?

5) What extra functionality add to the system (aimed to attract new users)?

Alarm! os2voice.org is down

2013-11-13 01:40:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

os2voice.org contains tons of useful information about OS/2 and eCS. Seems that the site is not available. (~ 600 articles related to technologies and software).

Other site os2ezine.com contains ~ 550 articles.

eComStation.RU accumulated ~300 articles only.

What to do?! We should recover the site asap.

eComStation + Mensys BV

2013-10-17 03:22:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The role of Mensys BV in eComStation development:

Here is a movie from Warpstock 2011: Menso de Jong (CEO of Mensys BV company) talks how Mensys company was founded, shows OS/2 catalogues and reports about current status of eComStation operating system.

The catalogues of OS/2 software (90-th): collection of photos

eComStation: follow your plan

2013-09-27 17:54:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Eugene Gorbunoff answered to the questions of russian speaking OS/2 users: eComStation: follow your plan

More interviews with eCS / OS/2 people: Community site

eComStation: yellow leaf

2013-09-13 03:37:57 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Mix of eComStation news from Internet:

1) Hardware database is updated step by step. We should process 45 reports posted by users. Compatible hardware

2) Emperoar TV is free now: source (watch DVB-T TV)

3) If you want discuss installation of eCS to new model of computer, then create new thread in our forum: forum.ecomstation.ru

4) OS/2 user presents Vintage laptops at local meeting "Chaos Constructions'2013" (11 aug 2013) View video

5) If your Thinkpad laptop is equipped with web-camers, then grab report using USB Dock (web-camera is a USB device), web-cameras and eCS

6) EDM/2 site is updated every month (articles for developers): Read more

7) Pad for mouse with OS/2 logo:

Answers to the questions (common)

2013-08-12 01:42:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Eugene Gorbunoff is answering to the questions of russian speaking users: area of usage, plans, creation of new web-sites

Full list of interviews with active eCS and OS/2 Warp developers.

(Visit www.ecomstation.com for official information)

eComStation: don't miss white nights

2013-06-28 01:10:51 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Different news related to eCS:

1) The testing of eComStation 2.2 beta-version continues, If you found a problem then report to bug-tracker (general of related to separate driver)


2) Who was developing OS/2? Who have influences on IBM OS/2? It's always difficult find this information. Here you can read about Ed Iacobucci citrix founder and key os/2 player Ed Iacobucci dead at 59


3) When did you installed eComStation?

  • user 1: password last changed 2992 days ago
  • user 2: PMView, You are on day 987 of your 31 day evaluation period.


4) Poll: Do you run eCS-OS2 inside a Virtual Machine or on real hardware? http://www.os2world.com/ (on the right)


5) How to create bootable flash disk for eCS installer? Nobody knows You can research this area: a) UltraISO, b) USB Multiboot v1.0


Photo: StarOffice 5.0 Deluxe - CD-ROM Star Division

P.S. How many people are in space right now?

Warpstock USA, Warpstock Russia, Warpstock Europe

2013-06-10 03:51:52 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The development of eComStation to stop without conferences. The conference gives an impulse and makes people work during the whole year.

1) Warpstock USA:

Warpstock USA is planned to 4-6 october 2013, Drury Inn & Suites Airport, 1270 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (Read more)

2) Warpstock Russia

It's impossible organize the conference in Russia. It's very expensive to travel from one city to other (long distance).

Warpstock Russia conference may be organzied as web-conference. The developers and specialists can record video during the summer, we will publish the videos in September, the users will discuss the presentations.

Warpstock Russia homepage

Warpstock Europe 2014

What presentation to prepare? Let's exchange ideas:

H. History
H.1  History of games for OS/2
H.2  History of companies
H.3  History of technologies
D. Development
D.1  Glass PM C++ library
D.2  eCo Software toolkit
D.3  REXX  20 tricks and tips

S. Solutions 
C.1  Point of sale 
C.2  Management of internet shop

Warpstock Europe: Changes

2013-05-26 14:08:55 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Official web-site of Warpstock Europe: http://www.warpstock.eu/

We are all interested in the future of Warpstock conference. We expect that the next confrence will attract more visitors and more speakers. How to change Warpstock conference and make it successful, make it "grow"? Some suggestions how to change the conference organization. You can post own suggestions or support listed ideas.

Report from the conference, russian language: Warpstock Europe 2013 report

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