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Using Default Method
Selecting Photos to Download

ThirdEye window consist of three parts: Available photos, Developing and Save to. Available photos shows current camera's contents, Developing is a buffer used to collect photos, that should be downloaded, Save to is a directory browser that allows to specify a target path for downloading. ThirdEye parts can be resized with dragging the borders between them.

There are two ways of representing photos in Available photos and Developing - thumbnail view and simple list view. In list view mode only photos names are shown and in thumbnail view each photo is represented as a small preview. Select the view you like using tabs above the lists. To download thumbnails from your camera, click the Refresh button and ThirdEye will connect to your camera and start retrieving thumbnails. If you prefer to retrieve thumbnails selectively, click the puzzle piece next to the Refresh button to make the puzzle piece empty. Then you can get a thumbnail of selected photo using the pop up menu command.

Click to view full-size screenshot    Click to view full-size screenshot

Use Developing list to collect photos that should be downloaded. To do this, select the individual photos from the Available photos list, holding down the Ctrl key to select multiple photos, and then drag them to the Developing list. Use pop up menu commands to select/deselect all photos.


You need to specify the destination path where downloaded photos will be saved. Use the Save to... area of ThirdEye to select the drive and folder.

To download pictures, collect the individual photos that you want to download in Developing list, and then click Download button.

To download all photos without selecting from them, click All button located to the right of Download button.


To remove all photos from your camera, click the All button next to the Delete button.

The other way is to select the individual photos from the Available photos list and then click the Delete button. You can hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple photos or use pop up menu commands to select/deselect all photos.


To understand what happens with ThirdEye - look at the indicators:

  • flashing Camera indicates that ThirdEye is retrieving technical information from your camera

  • flashing Photo indicates that ThirdEye is downloading or deleting

  • photos hand thumbs up/down indicates result of last operation.

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