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eCo Software
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russian OS/2 apps?

The concept of
OS/2 development

NeoWPS extenders - upgrade eComStation desktop

ReFormat utility aimed to format USB flashdisks and USB HDD, and make compatible with OS/2

eComStation as Multimedia Center: no filters. As result the sound is clean (for melomans)

For developer:
Add reading of files from http, ftp, cddb to your application (xio library)

(Пайпы программ)

SQLite library is available in every eComStation now (eCo Software runtime)

Changes of eComStation user interface - history


Hardware compatible with eComStation: ecomstation.ru/hardware

(Барьеры и решения)

SQLite library is available in every OS/2 now (eCo Software runtime)

(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)


Multi-media center based on OS/2 (russian text)

New eComStation:
eComStation 2.2: Updated USB drivers

eComStation, comme il faut (let's describe perfect eCS)

(Ссылки на другие сайты)

(Картинка дня)

OS/2 artefacts:
Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

Overview Supported hardware Contacts Downloads
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List of supported hardware
ThirdEye supports more than 150 models of digital cameras produced by: Agfa, Apple, Canon, Casio, Epson, Fuji, Hewlett-Packard, Kodak, Konica, Minolta, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Polaroid, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sierra Imaging, Toshiba.
Supported hardware (COM interface only at the moment)
Agfa ePhoto 307, 1680
Epson PhotoPC 850Z, 3000Z
HP PhotoSmart C200
Kodak DC240, DC280, DC3400
Nikon CoolPix 900, 950, 990
Olympus D-220L, D-360L, D-460Z, C-21, C-860L, C-920 Zoom, C-990 Zoom, C-1400L, C-2000Z, C-2100UZ, C-3030 Zoom

and other COM-port cameras:
Not tested, but supported (everithing except USB cameras):
Agfa ePhoto 780, 780C, 1280;
Canon Powershot A5 Zoom, A50, S20, G1, S10, S100; Digital IXUS, IXY DIGITAL;
Casio Wrist WQV-1, Casio QV-10 (10A), QV-11, QV-30, QV-70, QV-100, QV-200, QV-300, QV-700, QV-770, QV-5000SX
Epson PhotoPC 500, 550, 600, 700, 750, 800;
Fuji DS-7, DX-5, DX-10, MX-500, MX-600, MX-700, MX-1200, MX-1700, MX-2700, MX-2900;
HP PhotoSmart C20, C30, C215, C315, C500;
Kodak DC210, DC215, DC220, DC260, DC265, DC290, DC3200, DC20, DC25; DC200, DC200+  
Konica Q-M100, Q-EZ, Q-M100V, Q-M200;
Minolta EX 1500;
Nikon CoolPix 100, 300, 700, 800, 900S, 910, 950S;
Olympus D-100Z, D-200L, D-300L, D-320L, D-330R, D-340L, D-340R, D-360L, D-400L Zoom, D-450Z, D-500L, D-600L, D-600XL, D-620L, C-400, C-400L, C-410, C-410L, C-420, C-420L, C-800, C-800L, C-820, C-820L, C-830L, C-840L, C-900 Zoom, C-900L Zoom, C-1000L,C-1400XL, C-2020Z, C-2500Z, C-3000;
Panasonic CoolshotKXl-600A, NV-DCF5E;
Pentax EI-2000, EI-200
Philips ESP80SXG, ESP80, ESP70, ESP60, ESP50, ESP2;
Polaroid PDC 640;
Ricoh RDC-4300, RDC-4200, RDC-5000, DC-3, DC-4, RDC-7;
Sanyo DSC-X300, DSC-X350, VPC-G200, VPC-G200EX, VPC-G210, VPC-G250;
Sierra Imaging SD640;
Toshiba PDR-2


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