НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





Upgrade ArcaOS to NeoWPS level

  • Install original PNG icons drawed by designer, specialized at OS/2 adornation.
  • Install eSchemes 2018 to change colors and buttons on desktop.

An Introduction to Security

TITLE: An Introduction to Security

DATE: 2002-01-19 20:14:30

AUTHOR: Andrei A. Porodko
Please use online translator
go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=41
to your language

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.......... .... ....... ...... ....... ..... . ....... . ....... .. ...... ........ - .........., .......... . .........., ..... ... pkzip . arj. .., ... ....... .............. ...... ........, . .. ............ ....... ....... ......, .. ... ..... ...... . .. ...... ...... .... .......... ... ....... ........, ............ . ......... ..... . ........ \MySecretData:

D:\>pkzip /add /password=MyPassword MySecretData MySecretData\*
PKZIP(R)  Version 2.50  FAST!  Compression Utility for OS/2  5-1-1997
Copyright 1989-1997 PKWARE Inc.  All Rights Reserved. Shareware Version
PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.  Patent No. 5,051,745

 Encrypting files
 Using 204 compatible compression method
 Using compression level 5 - Default

Creating .ZIP: MySecretData.zip
  Adding File: description.lwp Deflating (16.9%), Encrypting, done.
  Adding File: Normal.dot      Deflating (86.4%), Encrypting, done.
  Adding File: os2mini.html    Deflating (65.2%), Encrypting, done.
  Adding File: svidet.gif      Storing   ( 0.0%), Encrypting, done.

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.......... ......... ............... ...... ... .......... ......... . ....... ... ..... .... ......., ........, . ........ ...... hobbes . ........, .. .. ... ......, ... ....... ...... .... ... .......... ....... ...... . ....... . .......... ....., . .. ... ............. ..............

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Cipher-...... ... NetDrive .......... ....... ............ .........., . ... ..... . ..........., ..... ... Blowfish . Rijndael (. ......... ......). ...... Cipher ......... ......... ..... ......... ... ......... ....... ..........

.......... ........... ..... ........ ........ ............. ....... ...... ... ....... .... .. ........ .. .... .. ......... ....... ... .... ...... . .......... .. ... ....... . .... - ... ..... . ......., .... ... ...... ............ .......... ..... ......... ............ ...... .......... .............

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........... ..........

. ......... .... ........ . ............. .. .........., . ...... ....... ....., ....... ....... . ........ 'Comprehensive Security Guide for eCS user' ;-)

.....: ...... ........

.......... .......: http://www.os2ezine.com/20020116/page_9.html

Test the program:

Firefox 4 - works faster, shows modern web-sites + don't forget to install Microsoft font pack.


2002-01-20 03:33:38

. ........ .. . ......

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... . OS/2 ............ ......... ....? . ..... .......... ..............., .... . ...., ..... .... .... .... .......... ............? ... ........ "...... ....." .. .....?

2002-01-20 04:07:19

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. ....... .... ...... ........... ......., ........ ..... .......... - ... AEFS - ........ ....... .. .... AES.

.. (...... . ......... ........) ..... ..... .....:


2002-01-20 12:10:52

to ..p...: .... ........... ..... ... ........, ... ..p.. ......... .p......... .... ...... ....

.... ... ..2 . ....p.... .. hobbes.nmsu.edu

to RElf: Cipher-plugin-. ....p... ..... ... .. ....... nickk'.. ;)

. ..... ....p. ..... .p........... . ........., ......... .......... .....p...... ............. .. ............... $$..

to Porro: zip .. ..... .... . .. ........, ... .p............. ..... ...... . ...p.... ....... .. ..... ..p.....

.... ...p..... ....... .. .... '..........' ..p..... ...... . ..... ..2.

Eugene Gorbunoff
2002-01-20 13:36:35

2 zuko: ...... ..... .. [e-mail]

2002-01-20 15:04:14

2 zuko: .. ... ....... .. ... .... .. ....... ............ .......: "...... ... ............, .... ..... .. ..... ..... - ... ...-.. ... ..... . ........"

. AEFS .... ... .... ........... ........... - ... .......... ;-)

Books about eComStation and OS/2 Warp: for dummies, developers and specialists. Find the listings here.



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021