НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017. All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.

eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language (German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)

Report from Warpstock Europe 2011 conference

TITLE: Report from Warpstock Europe 2011 conference

DATE: 2011-05-05 12:15:36

AUTHOR: Eugene Gorbunoff
Please use online translator
go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=240
to your language

2011/05/12, #01


. .... .... ........... ...... . ...... ....... (.........). ..... ....... ... ......, ........... .......... ..... ... ......:

....... .......... . ........... Warpstock Europe 2011

..... . ..... ..........:

  • 6 - 8 ... 2011
  • ......., .........
  • ........ La Place


  • ...... ..... ........ . .........
  • ........... eComStation
  • .......... ... .............

.......... ...........:

  • ..... 50, .. ..... ... ........
  • .. ......., ... ....... ..... 200.


........ ..........., ....... Mensys, eComStation

........ .......: ....... eComStation . Warpstock Europe
.........: Gerrit Shoenmaker, Menso de Jong

Gerrit (......): ..... .......... .. ........... Warpstock Europe 2011 . ..... ....... - ..... eComStation.

Gerrit ........., ... . 3 .... .... ............ ... ... ........, .......... .....

Menso de Jong (........ ........ Mensys BV) ......... ..... ....... ........... ........, ... ... ........ ...... Warpstock.

1992-1993 ....... . .......... IBM. ......... ........... ........ / Started own company.


  • ....... IndelibleBlue ??? ........ ........, ... . .. ..... .. .... ...-......
  • ....... ......... ........ Describe - ... ......, ............ . .... .........
  • ......... ......... Mensys.


Synchronisation pitfalls

........ .......: Synchronisation pitfalls
.........: Keith Merrington

Synchronizing files between systems is not always as straightforward as it may appear. Depending on various factors the synchronization may fail at best or loose data at worst. In this presentation a look at the various pitfalls and possible solutions based on EasySync will be discussed.

............. ......


....... eComStation

........ .......: ...... ......... eComStation
.........: Roderick Klein

....... ........

......... ........... - .......... ......... ... ....... .......... ...... ......... ........ Softechnics. . ....... ..... ...... .... ........... . ........ ........:

  • ....... NVidia (.. ...... ........ .. nickk)
  • .......... Intel
  • .......... Realtek

. ....... ............ ........ ..... ........... ....... ......., .... ....... ...... ... ......... MultiMAC.

Flash 10

........ ..-.. Odin. ... ....... ......: http://


AHCI ....... ... ..... . .............. (............ ...: ..-...-..-..)

USB stack

......... .............: ..

........, ......... eComStation



Java 6 and Qt4 news

........ .......: Java 6, Qt4
.........: dmik, diver

Qt4 ...... ........... ........ Nokia.

............ Qt4-...... ... ....... . ............ ..... ........ . eComStation -- http://svn.netlabs.org/qtapps.

dmik .......... ......... Qt ....... . 2005 .... (??).

...... 1: ....... ... Qt4 ........ .......... .. .... ........ ......... ..... ....... ........ ........ ...? .....: .... ..... .........., .... ... ....... .. .. ......., . .. ..........

...... 2: . ....... ......... .. Qt4 . ......... ......... ........ . Qt4 ........ ... ......? .....: ....... .....: http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4 -> New ticket. ..... .... ..... ............, . ...... ..... ........ ......

ENG: How to post bug-reports? http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4 -> [New ticket] (Register to Login, don't use short name&password, save your password)


Ada, OS/2, Fokker

........ .......: Ada
.........: ---

........... . ......... .... .... ................ ........ Fokker Aircraft.

  • ...... .........
  • ....... ........ -- wikipedia

......... ........ ....: AdAstra, Ada 95, gnat

... .......... ......... ..... ......... ......... ........ ........., ...... .gli ....., ...... ps . eps.

PIC: ............

PIC: .... .. ........

..... ......... ..... .............? ........, ... .......... ..... ........ .. ..... ......, ...... . ............ ...... ....... . ....

... .......... ............ ............ TeX.


eComStation development process

........ .......: --
.........: ---

............ eComStation:

  • USB ........: ......... ....... + ............
  • Ethernet-........: .. ...... . ......... ........
  • ...... ............. .......-.....
  • Panorama:
  • Uniaud: ..
  • eCo Software:


  • DEMO-CD is very important. Can you declare D-day of Demo-CD release?
  • Translation to other languages: it's difficult process the whole CD. all apps should be translated separately. independently from eCS. Are you going accept LANGE library as standard library for NLS apps?

. ...........

..... ......... .... ..... ......... . ........ ....... ........




........ .......: Air-BOOT ........ ........
.........: Ben


........ .......: Web-Server ???
.........: Dave Saville



........ .......: Uniaud
.........: David Azarewicz

Q: David Azarewicz - ..... .. Master Master Volume? ..... .... ... ......... ....... . .. ......... . ...... ..... ......... ... ........


WorkPlace shell

........ .......: ......... WPS
.........: Gerrit Shoenmaker

Gerrit (...... .........) ........, ..... ......... .......... ..... .. ..... ......... ............ ....... . ... ......... ....... .... ... .......... .......

... ............ . .......... eComStation?

.. ...... ...... ........ ........ ......:

  • ....... ...... - ...... ............ .. ........... . .......... eComStation. ....... ............ ..... ..... .... .......
  • eComStation - ............ ............ ........
  • ......... ......... .. ............, ....... ........ .... ................ .......
  • .... ....... ........, . ......... ..., .. ..... .......... ....... ......... .............


Test the program:

Secure work in eComStation: reviews, tools and recommendations


Igor Vaskov
2011-05-09 23:26:42

"AHCI ....... ... ..... . ............."

. .... .. .. ........? .... . ... .. ..... .... . ....-....?

.. .. ............, ..........! ... ... ........ ..... . ........ ...... ............, ... ...-.... "..... . ............."?

.... .. ..... ......... ........ ..... ............ .... ..... - ...... . ......, .... ".. ....." - ... ..... ........ .. .....?

Andrew Belov
2011-05-14 19:55:10

. ... ..... eCS v 2.1?

2011-05-15 18:45:34

....... eCs2.0 ... . .. ........., . ... 2.1 .. .......(

Do you have an article or review of eCS application / technology? eComStation.RU site can publish it in 1 day! Contact the editor



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021